Data Privacy

This page lists the data collected, and how you can remove yourself from this data list.

User Data

The bot collects small amounts of data about its users, and data collection can be opted out of.

  • User ID is collected when you use the /set me command, which allows us to save the following data to our database:

This data is all we save about you, and can be removed at any time, using the /me remove command.

Guild Data

Data collected about guilds/servers is very similar:

  • Guild ID - is collected when using the /setup command, and is used to store the following data in our database:

This is all the data we store about your server, and can be removed at any time using the /server remove command.

Message Data

Finally, when a message is sent ONLY when it mentions a timezone, the following data is stored:

  • Message ID - the discord ID of the message

  • Author ID - the sender/author ID of the message

  • Found Times - the times which have been found in the message

This data will automatically be removed from out database by deleting the message, or by submitting a request to us directly.

Last updated